Sunday 21 October 2007

Saboteuge on Saturday

Dr Bill adds:

I hadn't wanted to make this public until I was absolutely certain I had the remedy.
BLAKE's server-interface went down briefly over the weekend, with a peculiar Bandwidth Limit Exceeded message.

We have the Bandwidth, of that I am assured.

I was shocked to discover that there was simultaneously direct unmediated contamination of BLAKE through the following video uploaded by a certain 'Hussein Soho'

A 'Hussein Soho' who has also joined via Facebook with details as per the following screenshot.

The team-name is a poem by William Blake and the lines of poetry are I believe from Blake's poem London.

I am convinced that BLAKE bottlenecked in a self-preservation instinct to prevent this video upload. BLAKE self-algorithmises to prevent similar and I have now employed slogan-filters armed with spray-track zips so - if Hussein Soho or any of your Saboteur friends are reading this - another attack as blunt as this will not only be denied but will lead the Major directly to your lair.

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