Monday 22 October 2007

Today in Fictional media

Dr Bill writes:

Fictional Media's new Research and Development wing arrived by helicopter this morning. A splendid day's brainstorming enjoyed by all. The proposed game 'Die Happy' left us all smiling. I was delighted to see Fisty McMahon over from the States, who promptly went out and scored with a mini-curling pursuit shot in Soho House with the lugubrious Jerry Tuck.

And then this evening at Zero-One, a party to launch the active phase of The Soho Project. Hospitality laid on by our Vice Capitalists. I enjoyed some splendid Ghanaian firewater brought me by Sindon T Caramel from his mother's collection. It fortified me for what was to come.

Jim enjoyably mangled the introduction to the Soho Project - all work and no play as ever.

But my introduction to BLAKE was interrupted by Direct Saboteuge Action!!!

The remote-controlled spider from the FM Stores zoomed into the room trailing a 3-gold-ball Resistance icon and a handwritten note.

The Major was mesmerised by the spider - it's so easy to send his mind back to Korea.
Luckily my reactions were quicker and I stamped on the icon before it could harm BLAKE. Jim took the note and grim-faced, told me what it said (my hangover is preventing me remembering clearly).

Sanderson Clayton III, investigative as ever, promptly set up a rag The Nightly Informer. Get in touch via if you want to do any informing. It's also feeding into our Twitter.

Jerry got drunk and started going on - and on and on - about co-authorship of BLAKE. One late night's rambling in a Junior Common Room doth not ownership make, J. He's got to get over his IP-envy if we are going to work well together.

Jazz was deep in confab with the Major for most of the night. I'm glad she's been able to move on. I have.

Lena's been in hard turkey for the last 6 months. I found her dabbing dried toothpaste underneath her nose so that she could go out with the telly boys.

Gosh. I may still be tipsy. Maybe I shouldn't be publishing this. Well.

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