Saturday 3 November 2007


Dr Savage dictates:

I am recovering.
No longer do I see in streams of imaginary gold.
The human brain has an amazing resilience.
But I am changed inside by what has happened.

BLAKE is smashed. I am anxious that I cannot remember anything of the events of last weekend. Something emerged. It escaped. But what was it?

Back to fictional reality.
Jim is muttering about going global next year.
I want to go on a long holiday.
I will see you next year.

Saturday 27 October 2007


By the time you read this, I will no longer fully be with you. The Saboteurs have almost succeeded in their mission. BLAKE is so infected with Resistance material - right down to the code of the very website on which you read this - that he is unable to power up to generate One Soho. I have come too far and worked too hard to allow this to happen.

There is only one solution that I can foresee; a wetware workaround based on my own genomic infrastructure.

To put it in laymans' terms, I am going to download my brain into BLAKE. This will enable me to repair the infected digital cultures from the inside and process the video inputted on Super Stag Saturday.

We will prevail. My work will out. One Soho shall be built...

Thursday 25 October 2007

Audio Tour of Soho for your iPod!

We commissioned new talents Hear/Go to make an audio tour of Soho. It's ready and can be downloaded from here. Put it on your iPod or similar and take yourself to the statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus and then press play. 40-odd minutes later you'll find yourself somewhere in northern Soho having followed Eros through the streets and walked and talked with some of Soho's fascinating inhabitants. Hear/Go stress you should start it before 5.30pm, but you can do it any day. It's a PG-rating. Have fun!

[Hear/Go also fear possible saboteuge but I listened to the first 5 minutes and nothing untoward..]


Right, the gloves are off. I'm delighted to see that the Saboteurs have finally unmasked themselves. I know who you are and where you live. Sleep well.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

An anonymous submission

Click on the + to see this shockingly invigorating video.


Dr Bill writes:

A quieter day yesterday. Quite embroiled in R&D all day. But trouble brewing.

The Major is pushing for the development of a First-Person Shooter game - I wasn't sure whether this was for console or for the streets.

Rather annoyed at Jerry. He got in such a huff after the start-up party on Monday that he petulantly texted the Major with an old blog address of mine. I don't know what he was trying to achieve with that. I have nothing to hide. It's just a little personal space of mine online and I honestly don't mind who sees it.

A plague of Anti-Corporate Activity right under our noses - even in the toilets here at the R&D wing. The three-ball icon above one urinal with a message: "Repent, Dr Savage". On the other urinal: "You too, Jim Rummy"

I received an anonymous tip-off. I am heading to a Local Theatre later to see who I find when I ask for Verity Barge. Let's see...

I took some interesting video yesterday too. More later. I seem to have mislaid my camera.

Tuesday 23 October 2007


An otherwise splendid party held to celebrate the launch of the London Games Festival Fringe was spoiled by the intervention of an 8-legged mechanical Saboteur. The FM Spider, under the operation of person or persons unknown, interrupted a presentation by Messrs Rummy & Savage on The Soho Project. For the full story, see the video:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Disgusting, I'm sure you'll agree. Don't forget to email any suspicions of Sab behaviour to

Help us help you!

Do get in touch with any Executive if you think you can help advance their Executive Agenda! look at Get More Involved on or go here for more information.

Monday 22 October 2007

Today in Fictional media

Dr Bill writes:

Fictional Media's new Research and Development wing arrived by helicopter this morning. A splendid day's brainstorming enjoyed by all. The proposed game 'Die Happy' left us all smiling. I was delighted to see Fisty McMahon over from the States, who promptly went out and scored with a mini-curling pursuit shot in Soho House with the lugubrious Jerry Tuck.

And then this evening at Zero-One, a party to launch the active phase of The Soho Project. Hospitality laid on by our Vice Capitalists. I enjoyed some splendid Ghanaian firewater brought me by Sindon T Caramel from his mother's collection. It fortified me for what was to come.

Jim enjoyably mangled the introduction to the Soho Project - all work and no play as ever.

But my introduction to BLAKE was interrupted by Direct Saboteuge Action!!!

The remote-controlled spider from the FM Stores zoomed into the room trailing a 3-gold-ball Resistance icon and a handwritten note.

The Major was mesmerised by the spider - it's so easy to send his mind back to Korea.
Luckily my reactions were quicker and I stamped on the icon before it could harm BLAKE. Jim took the note and grim-faced, told me what it said (my hangover is preventing me remembering clearly).

Sanderson Clayton III, investigative as ever, promptly set up a rag The Nightly Informer. Get in touch via if you want to do any informing. It's also feeding into our Twitter.

Jerry got drunk and started going on - and on and on - about co-authorship of BLAKE. One late night's rambling in a Junior Common Room doth not ownership make, J. He's got to get over his IP-envy if we are going to work well together.

Jazz was deep in confab with the Major for most of the night. I'm glad she's been able to move on. I have.

Lena's been in hard turkey for the last 6 months. I found her dabbing dried toothpaste underneath her nose so that she could go out with the telly boys.

Gosh. I may still be tipsy. Maybe I shouldn't be publishing this. Well.

Sunday 21 October 2007

William Blake in Soho

William Blake tour

Ama, myself and a few others took a marvellous tour of William Blake's London led by Niall McDevitt (recommended as both guide and drinking companion). We started in Mayfair, criss-crossed Soho and ended in the Strand, where the doorway to Blake's last house on earth is now the staff entrance to the Savoy Hotel. Actually we ended in the Coalhole sitting next to where Richard Harris used to sup ale.

I took some pictures and blogged them. They can be seen here (

The Major questioned our going but I argued we should not allow petty saboteurs to co-opt the very spirit of our BLAKE. I insisted he joined us but he was unable as, most curiously for a Sunday, parking attendants clamped his land-tank. He swore they must be recruited Saboteurs but surely that's not possible?

Niall is helping with a 250th birthday party for Blake on the steps of his House on 28th November. I'll be there.

BLAKE saboteuge

Dr Bill Savage writes:

In any complex system, there are vulnerabilities. BLAKE is no exception. Certain visual iconography if inputted in a BLAKE video can destroy a packet of Mediated Imaginative Energy. BLAKE needs to hit a certain threshold of MIE in order to power up One Soho next Saturday (Super Stag).

In tricky science terms, this iconography reflects a condensation of Un-Mediated Reality. It's dangerous, not even I am sure what the consequences might be if BLAKE uploaded sufficient UMR.

I caught J Pruffock, a (now ex-) Junior in my department, gold-fingered and red-handed, trying to input a classic contaminate-icon directly into BLAKE having placed it on our office Soho map.

contaminate icon in gold

I show you this in the knowledge that I may risk encouraging copycat activity but I urge you to be watchful for any similar activities. If you have any suspicions, contact the Major's team on

Saboteuge on Saturday

Dr Bill adds:

I hadn't wanted to make this public until I was absolutely certain I had the remedy.
BLAKE's server-interface went down briefly over the weekend, with a peculiar Bandwidth Limit Exceeded message.

We have the Bandwidth, of that I am assured.

I was shocked to discover that there was simultaneously direct unmediated contamination of BLAKE through the following video uploaded by a certain 'Hussein Soho'

A 'Hussein Soho' who has also joined via Facebook with details as per the following screenshot.

The team-name is a poem by William Blake and the lines of poetry are I believe from Blake's poem London.

I am convinced that BLAKE bottlenecked in a self-preservation instinct to prevent this video upload. BLAKE self-algorithmises to prevent similar and I have now employed slogan-filters armed with spray-track zips so - if Hussein Soho or any of your Saboteur friends are reading this - another attack as blunt as this will not only be denied but will lead the Major directly to your lair.

Friday 19 October 2007

Dr Bill writes: in the office this morning

Jim can't write Anchorface without laughing. He's beside himself with glee for that video he flicked together with Lena. They were working on it late (by all accounts).

Lena is a party beast, a self-styled Boadicea of the Bohemia-Trustafaria. I look at the rushes of the Anchorface video and I remember something Jerry once said...

Jim has set So-ho! as his ringtone, his screensaver and now - I learn - his alarm clock. He just boasted to Dean: 'I'm on-brand as soon as I become conscious'

Happy days.

Thursday 18 October 2007

Dr Bill Savage writes:

a backdated addition, I'd almost forgotten...

Jim was scrolling his breakfast newsfeed and almost choked on his muffin spluttering at something he was reading, before leaving immediately saying he had urgent business to graze.

I sneaked a peek at his screen and it was this story.

Where is his inner stag leading him?

What's happening!

We're still having some problems with the site feeds. And BLAKE is chewing up inputs but stewing them. I'm expecting score-plop not before tomorrow now. But please keep patience and spreading the word. For So-Ho! ringtone and company news, click the +

Wednesday 17 October 2007

SECURITY: Anti-Company Activity Policy

Anti-company activity is taken very seriously by Fictional Media. If you believe you have evidence or reasonable suspicion of such by any players of The Soho Project or employees of Fictional Media, please drop a line to The Major and his team have the power at their discretion to transfer points from teams. Employees of Fictional Media may face disciplinary action.

The Soho Project Ringtone!

Our sound monkeys, Buns and Haunch, have made us a wicked ringtone. You can download it here

Monday 15 October 2007

Dr Bill Savage writes: Today in Fictional Media

Callan Stefani popped in. And lo, behold, no Junior be he. Blackbelt Black Hat, I suspect in the employ of Major Cruikshank. Anyhow, he hauled us over the coals of game mechanic of The Soho Project and fecund it turned out to be.